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Aging Well

Aging Well is a collaborative of healthcare professionals, clergy, senior services providers, and other experts offering information, resources, and guidance to help you live your best life now, and plan ahead for what if later on.
Browse our list of topics and professionals for insights on a wide range of topics. You will find videos, articles, and testimonials to help empower you with tools and tips to help support your optimal quality of life. Our Aging Well experts are also available for talks and presentations for your community group.
For more information, or to request one of our expert speakers for your group, please contact Kathleen Steele at 856-266-6697 or [email protected].


Aging Well Resources

Honoring the Dignity and Sanctity of Life

Rabbi Richard F. Address, D.Min.
Director, Jewish Sacred Aging




You’re in the hospital. Now what?

Cara M. Galob, MSW, LSW, CCM
Director of Senior Services Department
Jewish Family & Children Services of Southern NJ   856.424.1333




The Gift of Spiritual Care

Rhoda J. Harrison


The ABCs of Long Term Care

Meredith Becker
Chief Operating Officer, Lions Gate   856.679.2200


Spiritual Technologies for Aging Well

Rabbi Richard B. Simon
Spiritual Support Counselor, Samaritan     800.229.8183