How to Find Samaritan on Venmo:
If you’ve already donated to Samaritan on Venmo, you may also see our profile listed under “Top Charities” before you begin a search.
To Go Directly to Samaritan’s profile: Scan the QR Code or click >>
OR Search for Samaritan
- Tap the Pay/Request button
- In the Search bar, enter @SamaritanNJ
- Tap the Charities filter to see verified charity profiles
- Click on our profile
How to Donate to Samaritan on Venmo:
To donate, all you’ll need to do is tap the “Donate” button on our profile to begin your donation. Then, follow these steps to complete the process:
- Select a donation amount or enter an amount using your keyboard
- Enter a note for your donation. So that we may acknowledge your gift, please be sure to include “Your Name – Donation – What the gift Is for (for example, “John Smith – Donation – In memory of Jane Doe”
- Tap Donate
Please visit the Sending Donations FAQ to troubleshoot any problems or answer questions that may come up regarding Venmo.
Thank you for supporting Samaritan!