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Tree of Life Dedications (in memory of)

Tree of Life

Dedications (in memory of)

Dedications from 1/1/18 to 12/31/2018
Names are listed alphabetically by donor last name.

If you have any questions, please contact Judy Matthews or Christine Sweetman at 856-552-3242.

Janet C. Aaronson


in memory of George G Aaronson, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. John D. Adams, Jr.


in memory of John D. Adams, Sr.

& Margaret C. Adams

in memory of Robert J. Adams, Jr. & Catherine Adams


Judy Adams


in memory of Gene L. Adams


Tom Adezio


in memory of Mary Adezio & Dominick Adezio


Raymond E. Agins


in memory of Jill M. Csaszi


The Alban Family


in memory of Rachel Heston


Mrs. Shirley J. Anderson


in memory of Wayne L. Anderson


Joy P. Andreas


in memory of Karen J. Williams


Albert and Elaine Andreotti, Jr.


in memory of George J. Evans, Jr.

in memory of George J. Evans, Sr.


Susan Andrew


in memory of Diane M. Guida


Jennie Holiny Angelastro


in memory of Gladys M. Holiny


Jacqueline Antes


in memory of James Antes


Elizabeth Ashton


in memory of George H. Ashton


Carole Astemborski


in memory of Catharine Astemborski


Ken & Debbie Atkinson


in memory of Evelyn A. Viskovich


Patricia Austin


in memory of Carmela Santilli


Mrs. Deborah A. Bacanskas


in memory of John Bacanskas


The Bader Family


in memory of Annette & Roland Boudreau


Children & Grandchildren of Patricia & Robert Baer


in memory of Patricia & Robert Baer


Ann & Mark Baiada


in memory of Larry & Anne Baiada

in memory of James & Edith Claffey


Diane Baiada


in memory of Joseph Young

in memory of Laurence & Ann Baiada


Mrs. Elizabeth Baldt


in memory of Enid Pitman

in memory of Marion H. Baldt


Dr. and Mrs. Al Barbati


in memory of Lillian & Joseph Barbati

in memory of Martha & Thomas Green


Eileen Barkhymer


in memory of Frank J. Sannini

in memory of Irene Ann Sannini


Janette Barrett


in memory of Virginia Barrett – My Sister

in memory of Russell & Jane Barrett – My Parents


Lorin Barry


in memory of Chris Barry


The Barsotti Family


in memory of Alda Barsotti


Mrs. Inge Bass


in memory of Felix V. Bass


David Baxter


in memory of Helen M. Baxter


Mrs. Catherine Beck


in memory of Desi Beck


Cecilia & David Beck


in memory of Agnes M. Bacso


Ruth L. Bednarcik


in memory of Joseph S. Bednarcik


Michael J. Belfoure


in memory of Irene E. Belfoure


Barbara Bell


in memory of Lillian Griffin


Christena Day Benson


in memory of Albert C. Day, Jr.


Barbara Bergmann


in memory of Katharine L. Wright


Bob Berry (Husband)


in memory of Michele M. Arthur


Rosella M. Berryann


in memory of Raymond R. Berryann, Jr.


Christine Betson-Smith


in memory of Elizabeth R. Betson


Judith Bickel


in memory of Dora Smith

in memory of Raymond Smith


Judith Biehn


in memory of My Parents

in memory of Arthur C. Jacoby Family


Mrs. Georgina Biermann


in memory of Rick Biermann


Pat Binder


in memory of Ruth Binder

in memory of Harry Binder


Jelane & Nancy Blazewick


in memory of Paul Blazewick, Sr.

in memory of Bob & Annabelle Blazewick


Barbara J. Bobkoskie


in memory of Leon C. Bobkoskie

in memory of Anthony Caprio, Sr. & Cynthia Hotchkin


Mary Ann & Bob Boccolini


in memory of The Gilroy Family

in memory of The Boccolini Family


Your Loving Wife Eleanor


in memory of Arthur C. Bock, Jr.


From the Children of Clare & David Bodine


in memory of Clare Bodine

in memory of David Bodine


Mrs. Elaine Bohem


in memory of John P. Bohem


His Loving Sisters


in memory of David Lyon


Jackie Booth


in memory of Stan Booth


Ms. Christine D. Borget


in memory of Arthur J. Borget

in memory of Joye F. Gilbreath


Constance Borman


in memory of Eleanor J. Halloran


Stanley and Victoria Borucki


in memory of Desi Beck


Irene M. Boylan


in memory of Owen J. Boylan, Jr.

in memory of Irene Rock


Michael and Phyllis Bozek


in memory of Phil & Betty Warnke

in memory of Bill & Marie Bozek


Diane M. Brady


in memory of Ronald P. Brady


Frank and Loretta Breslin


in memory of Deborah Rapkin


Fred Brewer, Jr.


in memory of Jacqueline Brewer


Richard Bridgeman


in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bridgeman


Fran Brown


in memory of Samuel F. Brown


Eleanor Brown


in memory of Anna Marie Brown


Donna M. Brusco


in memory of Vera Farrar


Tom Buckley


in memory of Michael F. Buckley

in memory of Thomas A. Buckley


Mrs. Lucille Buffington


in memory of William Buffington


Dolores A. Burke


in memory of Joseph P. Burke, Sr.


Donna Butler


in memory of Alfreda “Mom Mom” Kelly

in memory of Robert Lubrano


Judith Bytheway


in memory of Ernest & Myrtle Hagemann

in memory of James W. Bytheway


Larry & Diane Byzek


in memory of Patricia Ann Byzek


Diana Calender and Rebekah & Anthony Doyle


in memory of James S. Calender


Nancy & Linda Kassekert


in memory of Joycelynn Kassekert


Ms. Donna V. Camardo


in memory of Joseph S. Camardo, Sr. and Rita V. Camardo


Helen Adamski Campbell


in memory of Helen Adamski


Kathleen Campiglia


in memory of Richard Campiglia


Jon & Helen Capacasa


in memory of Lucy Capacasa


Jane Marko Carabasi


in memory of Leon Marko


Phyllis Carina


in memory of Anthony & Rose Carina


Richard and Lynda Carl


in memory of Catharine Mahan


Carol H Carty


in memory of Miriam P. Hollister


Bonny Caruso


in memory of Grace Mary Doolan


Ms Eleanor C. Casey


in memory of Margaret M. Casey


The Cassady Girls


in memory of Edward Cassady

in memory of Agnes Cassady


Carole Castrati


in memory of Victor Castrati


Nancy A. Castrenze


in memory of Elizabeth “Betty” Rizzotte


The Catani Family


in memory of Caroline & Joseph Catani


Melody Cate


in memory of Alic Furia


Kathleen Cecilia


in memory of Francis P. Cecilia


Tom Cerino


in memory of Carmella Cerino


Mrs. Virginia E. Chiaro


in memory of Christopher C. Chiaro


Ms. Carole B. Chilton


in memory of Mary B. Sharkey


Mary Ciarma


in memory of Austin Ciarma


Mrs. Anne M. Clementi


in memory of Frank Clementi

in memory of Angeline & Edward Lukasevich


Susan J Closson


in memory of Eleanor & Homer Jones

in memory of Krista Leigh Hendon


Doris Clymer


in memory of Doug Clymer


Suzanne Coffee


in memory of Scott Coffee

in memory of Samuel Madara


Theresa V Coleman


in memory of Deacon Herbert R. Walden

in memory of Barbara A. Coleman


Ms. Rosemary Colon


in memory of Lorenza Nicolo


Mr. Charles L. Connor


in memory of Lynne E. Connor


Ms. Frances Conrey


in memory of Joseph A. Avery

in memory of Joan D. Conrey

in memory of James F. Conrey

in memory of Michael John Magargee


Mary Conti


in memory of Patrick A. Conti


Catherine E. Cook


in memory of Ralph C. Cook, Sr.


Kathleen & Philip Cooper


in memory of Larry Friedman

in memory of Elizabeth & Allan Croak

in memory of Margaret & Howard Cooper


Patricia A. Corbett


in memory of Edward Aceto

in memory of Alice Aceto


John and Joanne Correia


in memory of Connie Grimmie


Aurora P. Corsey


in memory of Anthony W. Corsey


Yo and Joe Costabile


in memory of Marie Edwards

in memory of Susan Bubna


Mrs. Eileen W. Court


in memory of Arthur & Trudy Walls

in memory of Michael W. Walls


Kathleen T. Crane


in memory of Patricia M. Miller


Sue M. Cranston


in memory of John Cranston


Ms. Donna Cresson


in memory of John Forster

in memory of Frances Forster


Sean & Stephanie Cuddahy


in memory of Charlotte Cuddahy

in memory of John Patrick Cuddahy


Helen A. Cunningham


in memory of Jane Woodfield

in memory of Joseph Barth


Marisa D’Agata (Daughter)


in memory of Helen Castellano


Mrs. Marie D’Amico


in memory of Dominic D’Amico


Liliane Dan


in memory of Paul Dan


Mr. Dennis J. Daniello


in memory of Jennie A. Daniello


Darlene and Michael DelRossi


in memory of Raymond R. Berryann, Jr.


Elizabeth Dempsey


in memory of Francis Dempsey


Leonard Denbo


in memory of Sandra Denbo


Joan D. DeNeve


in memory of Mrs. Sophie V. Cassidy

in memory of Mr. Franklin W. Cassidy

in memory of Mrs. Anna Charlton

in memory of George J. DeNeve

in memory of Paula Rosati

in memory of Albert Rosati

in memory of George Hansel

in memory of David J. Watson

in memory of Edmund J. Hunter, Jr.

in memory of Barbara Janssen


Joan Derascavage


in memory of Joseph Derascavage


Leonard E. DeStefano


in memory of Rose DeStefano

in memory of Rose Marie Giallombardo


Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney, Jr.


in memory of Eileen Devinney


Frances Diatchenko


in memory of Mrs. Frances T. Connolly


Christina Dibling


in memory of Mollie Dibling


Lisa Dickerson


in memory of Geri Dickerson


Mrs. Dorothy DiFronzo


in memory of Angelo DiFronzo


Nelson Dimpter


in memory of Margaret A. Dimpter


Mrs. JoAnn DiPatri


in memory of Lawrence Adriano

in memory of Rose Adriano


Cynthia and Dominic DiPietrantonio


in memory of Olimpia DiPietrantonio


Lynda Dodd


in memory of Harold Shinn


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Donegan


in memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Donegan

in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Dan Severino


Ann and Woodrow Dooley Jr.


in memory of All Deceased Family Members of Woodrow & Ann (Grayo) Dolley


Luciana Dorazio


in memory of Jerald Colli


Donna Dove


in memory of James Gardner

in memory of Cassidy Gardner


Cpl and Mrs. Joseph F. Drebes


in memory of Ruth S. Dilworth




in memory of John H. Dunhardt, Sr.


Elizabeth J. Dunn


in memory of James E. Thierry


Ann Durham


in memory of Charles A. Durham


Michael Dymond & Family


in memory of Glen Dymond


Kathy Ealy


in memory of John M. McAleese


Hila Egyud


in memory of Louis A. Egyud


Mrs. Jenny Eiermann


in memory of Oscar Eiermann


Howard G. Eisenbeis


in memory of Barbara E. Eisenbeis


Julia Elsasser


in memory of William E. Elsasser

in memory of Peter & Louise Donato


Martin Emmel


in memory of Arlene D. Emmel


The Engelke Family


in memory of Rev. Robert J. Engelke

in memory of Ryan A. Engelke

in memory of Bruce Haegley

in memory of Sharon Redheffer


Loretta English


in memory of Elma Humphries


Mary Estelle


in memory of Jerry W. Estelle


Grace & Ken Evans


in memory of Eric M. Miller


Sam M. Falzone


in memory of Noreen Grace Falzone


Patricia J. Fantasia


in memory of Helen J. Pidliskey


Ms. Monica T. Fass


in memory of Robert J. Fass

in memory of Mary T. Fass


Roy Fazio


in memory of Raymond E. Fazio

in memory of Madeline Nelson

in memory of Raymond & Leone Mank


Mrs. Kathy Feczer


in memory of William Feczer


Ms. Maryann Fenocchi


in memory of Vito & Rosemary Fenocchi

in memory of Skeets and Toots Mahan


Dina Ferguson


in memory of Diana DiRenzo


Patricia W. Ferrell, Wife of William Ferrell Sr


in memory of William H. Ferrell, Sr.


Sheila J Fey and Family


in memory of Bertram B. Fey

in memory of Doris and Bill Goldy


Gloria Fisher


in memory of Anna C. Stella


June Fisher


in memory of Albert Barricelli

in memory of Elsie Barricelli


Carol A. Flynn


in memory of Thomas E. Flynn


Robert J. Fogg


in memory of Norman W. & Dorothy F. Fogg


Your Loving Family


in memory of Mick Sussman


Joe Folz


in memory of JoAnn Folz


Carole & Kevin Fort


in memory of Frances R. Jakubisin

in memory of Margaret Fort


Patti Fortney


in memory of Virginia J. Salvatore


Ethel M Forvour


in memory of Parents, Beulah & Walter Forvour


Maryellen and Robert Fountain


in memory of Arthur M. Ciaburri

in memory of Jeanette McFalls


Danielle and Shawn Fox


in memory of N. Jean Tarrant


Mrs. Sandra B. Francesco


in memory of Donald J. Stewart


William F. Fries


in memory of Elise K. Fries


Marion R. Fugill


in memory of Beulah (Bee) E. Baker


Ms. Dianna Fulton


in memory of Florence Terrell


Charles H. Gagliostro USAF Retired


in memory of Donna Lee Gagliostro


Noreen Gallagher


in memory of James P. Gallagher


Linda Ganassi


in memory of Jean Ganassi


Steven R. and Del W. Gardner


in memory of Mr. & Mrs. William T. Layton III

in memory of Robert L. Gardner


Lloyd H. Gaskill


in memory of Philomena Gaskill

in memory of Andrew McCaffrey


Philomena Gentile


in memory of Theresa Gentile

in memory of Edmond Gentile


Lorraine Giannetti


in memory of Minteo Frank Giannetti


George & Joanne Gibbs


in memory of John P. & Constance E. Gillespie

in memory of Constance E. Gillespie


Ken Gibson


in memory of Lynn Gibson


Margaret Gilfillan


in memory of Helen Gilfillan

in memory of William Gilfillan


Barbara & Rick Gillespie


in memory of Lynn Gibson


Peter Gilligan


in memory of Mary Ellen Gilligan


Helene Gilroy


in memory of Jack Gilroy


Mrs. Ritamarie Giosa


in memory of James M. “Jim” Giosa


Frances A. Giovanetti


in memory of William E. Gray


Ms. Patricia A. Gizzie


in memory of William J. Mitchell


Stan Gladkowski


in memory of Helen & Stan Gladkowski


Eleanor Goldberg


in memory of Richard Martella


Patricia Gould


in memory of Alice Adams

in memory of Stan Adams


Edie Graczyk


in memory of Ron Graczyk


Nancy Graham


in memory of Eileen McGinley


Linda and Bill Grant


in memory of Mary Logan


Wilma & Ed Gray


in memory of Alice M. Prestwich


His Loving Wife and Beloved Mother of D.J – Bernice Green


in memory of David O. Green

in memory of David James Green (D.J.)


Lori and Carl Gregorio


in memory of Julia Vecchi


Sharon Gregory


in memory of Doris Sohl


Barbara Greif


in memory of Armando Sebazco

in memory of Sandi Ward

in memory of Paul Pawlowski


Clair Grisson


in memory of Frederick L. Harris, Jr.


Joseph & Joan Gryczko-Parents


in memory of Joan E. Shepherd


Denise & Alexa Guarni


in memory of Joseph & Mary Faulkner


Robert and Joyce Guest


in memory of Barbara Guest


Joan Guido


in memory of Allessio Guido

in memory of Nellie Guido


Roseann Gunzelman & Family


in memory of Edith & Idolo Trotti


Bob & Cathy Haik


in memory of Joseph F. Pellegrino


Howard W. Haines


in memory of Linda Stockton Haines


Mr. Thomas B. Haines


in memory of Raymond W. Nagel


Ann Felton Hallman


in memory of Nancy K. Huber


Mrs. Barbara Hansen


in memory of Douglas Hansen


Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harding


in memory of Christopher Harding


Fay Harris


in memory of Hilda Harris


Gaye Harrison


in memory of Mildred Nash


Barbara A. Hart


in memory of Walter J. Hart


The Hartnett Family


in memory of Marian Hartnett

in memory of Gertrude Hartnett


Cindi Hasit


in memory of Ned & Hattie Weiss


Mr. Egbert Hatch


in memory of Evelyn M. Hatch

in memory of Dolores R. Hatch


Mrs. Karen Hatch


in memory of Virginia H. Scioli


Phyllis E. Haunton


in memory of Thurlow C Haunton


Patricia Haverkamp


in memory of Paul J. Haverkamp


The Darpino Family


in memory of Edward J. Palmer, Sr.


Kathleen Hellberg


in memory of Lawrence Gentleman


Beverly Hendrickson


in memory of Roy T. Hendrickson


Eric and Frances Herr


in memory of Frances Staniszewski

in memory of Edward Staniszewski

in memory of Frederick Herr


Elsie S. Heyl


in memory of John F. Heyl


Donna Highland


in memory of John Bacanskas

in memory of Meggan Bacanskas


Rebecca Hiltner-Horn


in memory of Robert Hiltner, Jr.


SFC Russell W. Hipplewitz, USA (Ret.)


in memory of Carmen Maria (My Wife)


Kim Hofbauer


in memory of John Previtera

in memory of Kathleen Cutts


Garry and Margaret Hoffman


in memory of Bob & Betty Hoffman


Beth Hoffman


in memory of Ruth Amber


Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hoffman


in memory of Marguerite Ellis

in memory of Raymond Ellis, Jr.


Gloria & David Homer


in memory of Sara Homer

in memory of Steve Sims


Joyce Whiteman Hoover


in memory of Jeanne Whiteman Riley


Zoe A. Hubler


in memory of John A. Hubler


The Hulbert Family


in memory of Dorothy Jean Hulbert & Gerald Ward Hulbert


Mrs. Josephine Iapalucci


in memory of Philip Iapalucci


Ellen Inman & Kathy Thomas


in memory of Daniel E. Inman

in memory of Geri Inman


Fred and Lucille Irons


in memory of Fred & Margaret Irons

in memory of Delmar J. & Lucy Ruff


Donna Irwin


in memory of Eric R. Mattia


Alan Janson


in memory of Betty Ann Janson


Mr. Walter Jennings


in memory of Grace Jennings


Ms. Marsha Jenoff


in memory of Paul B. Sopenoff


Kathleen Jensen


in memory of Andrew F. Jensen, Jr.

in memory of Sally Schirmer


Nancy Johnson


in memory of Mary Kerley


Diane Johnson


in memory of Mrs. Phyllis T. Johnson


Ann and George Johnstone


in memory of Elizabeth & Allan Croak


Mr. Eric M. Jones


in memory of Delores T. Jones


Ms. Teresa V. Jones


in memory of Herbert Jones


Irma E. Jordan


in memory of Bobby R. Jordan


Mrs. Phyllis Josephson


in memory of Howard S. Josephson


The Corcoran & Judge Family


in memory of Samuel F. Corcoran


Mary E. Kane


in memory of John R. Kane


Sharon Kaufman


in memory of Harold Weiss


Patrick Keane


in memory of Joan Keane


Jim and Liz Kehoe


in memory of James Kehoe

in memory of Bette Lee Kehoe


Patricia and Michael Kelly


in memory of Lorraine Bigum

in memory of Edward Bigum


Karen Kenney


in memory of Lillian Griffin


Judy & John Kerrigan


in memory of William J. Malkin, Jr.

in memory of Doris M. Malkin

in memory of Patricia Young

in memory of William E. Malkin

in memory of Jon W. Malkin


Maria and Joseph Ketterer & Family


in memory of Alfonso A. Docimo, Jr.


Lance & Robin Kimmelman


in memory of Ervin & Estelle Kimmelman

in memory of Morris & Beatrice Paul


Mary Anne Kingkiner


in memory of Elmer A. Kingkiner


Veronica Kirschling


in memory of Lawrence Kirschling

in memory of Vera Kirschling

in memory of Joseph Smithhisler

in memory of Jeanne Ryan


David Klein


in memory of Ben Klein

in memory of Esther Klein


Dr. Barbara A. Klobach


in memory of Dr. Derek N. Nunney

in memory of Mr. Rudi Klobach


Adrienne Knapp


in memory of Wayne T. Knapp, Sr.


Chick Koch


in memory of Mom & Dad Koch


Amelia S. Kochie


in memory of John T. Kochie, Sr.


Laurie, Rob, Rachael, & Carly Kolmins


in memory of Alice Colman


Mr. Leonard Kowaleski


in memory of Judith Kowaleski


George M. Kozub


in memory of George & Mary Kozub


Doey Kronberger


in memory of Joseph A. Kronberger

in memory of Mary MacNamarra


Kathleen Kulas  and Charles & Chris Bay


in memory of Chester E. Kulas


Mr. and Mrs. A. Kurlecki & Vita Gangemi


in memory of Maurice C. Timken


Alfred D. Kurpicki


in memory of Alfred G. Kurpicki


Paul LaBarge


in memory of John & Viola LaBarge


Robert E. LaBate


in memory of Vincent LaBate

in memory of Marguerite Jane LaBate

in memory of Rose Stern

in memory of Joseph Longo

in memory of Joe Scardone


Mr. Timothy Lang


in memory of Genina Logan


The Latham Family


in memory of Bruno J. Catrambone


Mr. Howard Lawmaster


in memory of Joy Lawmaster


Doreen & Bill Lawrence


in memory of Dorothy & Max Koch


Michelle LeBlanc


in memory of Janine K. LeBlanc


Bill and Carole Lehman


in memory of Charles A. Lehman

in memory of Phyllis K. Lehman


Joanne LeMay


in memory of Jacob Rose


Constance Lewandowski


in memory of Raymond G. Lewandowski


Ms. Samantha Lewicke


in memory of Mrs. Katherine Testa


Jim & Marian Lewis


in memory of Robert & Patricia Osborne

in memory of Charles & Marion Raylman

in memory of Charles & Catherine Lewis


Robert & Michele Linden and Family


in memory of Carmela Maniscalco


David & Lori Litwin


in memory of Susan Litwin


Ms. Lisa A. Loeber


in memory of Noreen Iannuzzi

in memory of Sandy Walker


Karen Lovett


in memory of Janet Willford

in memory of Lillie Ford


Laurelle Lowe


in memory of Elizabeth Greiner

in memory of Margy Lowe


The Lucarini Family


in memory of Ernest Lucarini


William E. Lucas


in memory of Sandra P. Lucas


Alfreda B Lynch


in memory of Dorothy B. Miller

in memory of Rodman H. Lynch


A.H. Mackey


in memory of William R. Mackey


Linda & Flynn Magargee


in memory of Michael John Magargee


Ralph and Eleanor Magee


in memory of W. Robert Magee


Ms. Andrea Maimone


in memory of Margaret Maimone

in memory of Josephine Galezniak


Ms. Mildred Mann


in memory of Jay T. Barry


The Manser Family


in memory of Walt Manser


Mr. William A. March


in memory of Anita Reppucci


Mrs. Luray Markgraf


in memory of Ronald Markgraf


Anna Marko


in memory of Leon Marko


Dr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Marks


in memory of Jack & Dorothy Marks


Waneta Marple


in memory of Betty Ethraos

in memory of Chester Wilkolaski


Ms. Mary Marrazzo


in memory of Mary Huber


Maryanne & John Marshall


in memory of Florence Taylor

in memory of Flora Marshall


Lucy Martelli


in memory of Dominic D. Martelli

in memory of Dolores T. Clune


Mrs. Dolores A. Martin


in memory of Ronald L. Martin


Ida M. Martin


in memory of John M. Drew

in memory of Richard G. Martin Sr.


David and Katherine Martin


in memory of George S. Treusch, Sr.

in memory of Dominic Marrocco

in memory of William J. Martin, Sr.


Dolores Martine & Children


in memory of Frank J. Martine


Massaro / Clark / Kerins Families


in memory of William & Kathleen Clark

in memory of John & Gilda Massaro

in memory of Madeline Kerins

in memory of Margaret Kerins


Mi-Young Park Mostovoy


in memory of Yoni Park


Linda and Dominic Mauro


in memory of Mary Elizabeth Johnson


Catherine A. Mayher


in memory of Catherine C. Mayher

in memory of Vincent C. Mayher


Mr. Lawrence Mazzu


in memory of Eva Mazzu


Felice Mazzuca


in memory of Rose Tortorelli

in memory of Silvio Mazzuca, Jr.


Nancy M. McAndrew


in memory of James P. McAndrew


Philip and Carol McCarty


in memory of Anthony & Rose Carina

in memory of Madison McCarty

in memory of Harry & Florence McCarty

in memory of Daniel Joseph McConnell


E. McConnell


in memory of Thomas & Elizabeth McConnell

in memory of Thomas McConnell


Matthew McCormack’s Family


in memory of Matthew McCormack


Kathy McCracken & Family


in memory of James T. McCracken & Family


Ms. Rosemarie McDade


in memory of Harry Goldberg


Daniel and Donna McGee


in memory of William & Naomi Morgan

in memory of Eileen Breen


Jane McGinley


in memory of Robert McGinley

in memory of Jedd Hopkins

in memory of John Sfarnas

in memory of Betty & Vince DiVincenzo

in memory of Annie Margodonna

in memory of Pete & Josephine Matricardi

in memory of Alma Bozzo

in memory of May Clarke


Anne McGrath


in memory of Edward J. McGrath, Jr.

in memory of Curt & Josephine Baeringer

in memory of Josephine Baeringer


Kathleen McGurk


in memory of Nicholas Graham


Melissa McKeon Flaherty


in memory of James T. McKeon, Sr.


Kathryn McLaney


in memory of Harry W. McLaney, Jr.


Debbie J. McLaughlin


in memory of Charles Morrison

in memory of Patricia Morrison


Thelma Lynne Meckel


in memory of Jim Meckel


David and Kathleen Mehrer


in memory of Bernard V. Coyle, Sr.

in memory of Olin E. Mehrer


Theresa D. Merkel


in memory of John Dorofee

in memory of Margaret Dorofee


Katharine Mervine-Special Friend


in memory of Brian Cruse


Betty Jo Meserall


in memory of Frederick G. Meserall


Steve and Cindy Metterle & Family


in memory of Joyce Pover

in memory of Stephen J. Metterle


Frank Michelfelder


in memory of Dorothy Michelfelder


Jack and Bev Miladin


in memory of Maury Allen

in memory of Cyril Huze


Nancy Miller & Family


in memory of Buck & Bucky Miller, Jr.

in memory of Jessica Ann Miller


Wendy Miller & Family


in memory of Miriam Miller

in memory of Robin Miller


Lisa Minich


in memory of Douglas E. Minich


Pattie Mitchell


in memory of Catherine Rovito


Mrs. John Mohl


in memory of Baby Eddie Potts

in memory of Kathy & Billy Mohl

in memory of Betty & John Mohl

in memory of Anthony Calvert

in memory of Marie & John Jemiola

in memory of John, Pat & Jennie Sullivan


Ron & Cheryl Mohrfeld


in memory of Anthony Lang & Floss Lang


Mrs. Loretta L Mollan


in memory of Matthew J. Mollan


Lillian C. Moore


in memory of William J. Moore


Ms. Mary E. Moore


in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Granville B. Moore, Jr.

in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Souder


Bob & Maureen Moorer


in memory of Jane K. Cecil

in memory of John & Marie McChesney

in memory of Pellham & Patricia Moorer


Cindy Morelli


in memory of Bonaventura “Vincent” Morelli

in memory of Linda A. Morelli

in memory of Candy Morelli

in memory of Lefty Clifford Morelli

in memory of All Brain Tumor Decedents

in memory of The Morelli Family

in memory of Bonaventura “Vincent” Morelli


Kathleen Moreton


in memory of Richard Campiglia


Mr. and Mrs. John Morganti


in memory of Daniel R. Pleis


Paul Morris


in memory of Paul Morris, Sr.

in memory of Mary Morris


Frank & Marcie Morrison


in memory of Thomas & Christine Walter, Jr.

in memory of Christine M. Walter

in memory of John & Eleanor Morrison


Mrs. Kathleen Morton


in memory of Catherine Rovito


Barbara Mueller


in memory of Mom & Dad


Ms. Kathleen M. Mullelly


in memory of Virginia Mullelly

in memory of William Mullelly


Agnes V. Mullen


in memory of Carolyn V. Farren

in memory of Carrie D. Vespe


Dorothy Mullen


in memory of Fred Mullen


Munce Family


in memory of Richard Munce


Don and Fran Munera


in memory of Anita Santangelo


Frances Munyan


in memory of Raymond Baals

in memory of Richard C. Munyan, Sr.


Wendy Murphy


in memory of Joseph Murphy


John Murr


in memory of Joyce M. Murr


Tricia Musick


in memory of Francis P. Musick

in memory of Rita T. Pernier


Dr. Marilyn Musumeci


in memory of Mary Louise Musumeci


Brian K. Myers


in memory of Marvin R. Oliver


Marian Myers


in memory of Harry T. Myers


Michelle Mysko


in memory of Anthony Wesolowski

in memory of Michael Wesolowski


Jean L. Nangle


in memory of Robert Nangle


Amelia Nelson-Gearhart


in memory of John & Mary Mascucchini, Family and Friends

in memory of Arthur & Philomena Baselice, Family & Friends


Carol Neumann


in memory of William Neumann


Leonor R. Neves


in memory of Valentim D. Neves


Suzanne R. Newman


in memory of Bruce Paul Newman


Mr. and Mrs. Brian Noble


in memory of Mary A. Borics

in memory of Mary L. Noble


Kathleen M Noon


in memory of Catherine and James Noon


The Noon Family


in memory of James Noon


Dolly Nunnenkamp & Family


in memory of Jimmie D. Nunnenkamp, Sr.


Carol & Michael Nunno


in memory of Virginia Weber

in memory of Joanne Thomas


Elsie Nyiri


in memory of Alex Nyiri


Barb Ogle


in memory of Phyllis Sebazco


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O’Hara


in memory of Shanon Cooney

in memory of Anna Edginton


Latricia O’Leary


in memory of Nancy & Edward O’Leary


Ms. Karen A. Olejarz


in memory of Patricia Ann Byzek


Diana Olivieri


in memory of Enrico N. Olivieri


Bernadette, Dave & David O’Neill


in memory of Christopher C. Chiaro


Mrs. Betty D. Orme


in memory of Washington Hardy Orme


Carol Ortlip


in memory of My Husband, William Ortlip


Dianne Papadinec


in memory of Ronald J. Papadinec

in memory of Walter V. Hughes


Mr. Larry T. Parr


in memory of Maryann Parr


Ms Jill Paulanski


in memory of Carol Jean Taggart


Ms. Rosalie Pendarvis


in memory of Preston Pendarvis


Mrs. Carol Penney


in memory of Jennie Corsino

in memory of Yvonne Griggs


Susan E. Perkey


in memory of Elizabeth E. Walker

in memory of Ruth A. Reitmeier


Vivian Perrino


in memory of Edward Perrino


Mrs. Barbara L. Peters


in memory of My Mom, Mary Bensing

in memory of My Hubby, Thomas J. Peters


Heather Phillips


in memory of Orval Sparrow


Virginia Phillips


in memory of Virginia Raymond


Elizabeth Pildis


in memory of Emily Pildis

in memory of Charles W. Pildis


Janet Pino


in memory of Joseph Luliucci


Bob & Rita Plant


in memory of Nina Marie Plant

in memory of Joan & Karen Bruno


John Powell


in memory of Margaret Powell


Christine Pozniewski


in memory of Edward J. Engle


Russell A. Price Sr.


in memory of Dorothea Price


Giovina Principe


in memory of Paul C. Principe


Mrs. Janet Y. Pruden


in memory of Gregory T. Pruden


Dominic Pucci


in memory of Mary Pucci

in memory of Richard Pucci


Mrs. Maureen Quinn


in memory of Robert Quinn


William Quirk, Jr.


in memory of Ronald Rutkoski


Bobbie E. Radden


in memory of Cookie Razier

in memory of Eddie Radden


Andrea Ragone


in memory of Audrea Ragone

in memory of Anthony Ragone


Maryann & Albert G. Rainson


in memory of Carl Raymond Johnson & Gladys Johnson


Peggy & Tony Ravoni


in memory of Nancy DeFrates


Kelly Reed


in memory of Lorraine Messner

in memory of James “Mickey” Messner, Sr.


Gayle Reedy and Beth Burns


in memory of Ruth Patterson and John Reedy

in memory of Alyce McDade and Edwin Burns


Susanne Reis


in memory of Patricia Moorer

in memory of Pellham C. Moorer


Remington & Vernick Engineers, Inc.


in memory of Carol M. Geoghan


Charlene Renne


in memory of Alma H. Renne

in memory of Jean Holman

in memory of Sophia Vitello


Jim Ribbe


in memory of Jeanne Ribbe


Jim & Shirley Richardson


in memory of Edward Bridgeman

in memory of Eva Bridgeman


Joanne Richmond


in memory of Antionette Richmond


Mrs. Helga Richter


in memory of Edwin Richter

in memory of Hans V. Schmidt


Mrs. Harrison Riepen


in memory of Harrison W. Riepen


Cathy L. Rife


in memory of Nellie Rife

in memory of Garnet Rife


Paulette Ritter


in memory of Lloyd Ritter


James and Linda Rivard


in memory of Mary Trimbo Rivard

in memory of Henry Lee


Thomas D. Rivera


in memory of Herlinde Rivera


Ross Robbins


in memory of Shelley Robbins

in memory of Greg Varga


Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rockhill, Jr. & Family


in memory of Mr. Michael D. Bisceglie, Sr.

in memory of Mr. Clinton C. Rockhill, Sr.

in memory of Mr. John Eleuteri


Dorothy Rockhill


in memory of Wilbert Rockhill

in memory of Dorothy Bogie


The Rommel Family


in memory of Aaron L. Rommel


Mrs. Naomi Rose


in memory of Jacob Rose


P. L. Roselli


in memory of Joan Roselli


Randal & Michelle Rospopa


in memory of Esther Borealino


Janet Ross


in memory of Sallie Null


Mrs. Gwendolyn Rosvold


in memory of Donald A. Rosvold


Mr. Thomas Rovito


in memory of Catherine Rovito


Dennis Rubisch


in memory of James Rubisch


The Rudderow Family


in memory of Kathleen Donahue Rudderow


Marie Rudderow


in memory of Kathleen Donahue Rudderow


Robert & Joan Lee


in memory of Adolph C. D’Ippolito


Diana Russell


in memory of Howard Umansky


June Russell


in memory of A. Dorothy Williams

in memory of Bruce Matthew Russell


Rose Russo


in memory of Eleanor Russo


Linda Ruth


in memory of Estelle Ruth

in memory of Carolyn Golding


Josephine Ryan & Family


in memory of Jacquie Ryan O’Donnell


Ms. Nicole Ryan


in memory of Michelle Ballenger


Sally & Warren Ryback


in memory of Sophie Rybak


Vincent Sabatino, Jr.


in memory of Rose Saturday


Amy Santroni


in memory of Rita Simoni


Joseph and Eleanor Scarduzio


in memory of Mabel A. Anderson


Frank & Janet Schafhauser


in memory of Bill and Dot Russell

in memory of Clarence and Doris Wardell


Erna L. Scheibner


in memory of Mom – Merilyn Scheibner

in memory of Dad –  Ernst Scheibner

in memory of Jared – Jared Scheibner


Ginny Schimpf


in memory of Richard F. Schimpf


JoAnn Schlupp


in memory of Lawrence G. Schlupp


Antoinette P. Schmidt


in memory of Robert J. Schmidt

in memory of John & Helen Pilarz

in memory of Helen C. Pilarz


Marilyn Schmidt


in memory of Edythe Schmidt

in memory of Roy F. Schmidt


Jean Marie Schmitz


in memory of Jean M. Schmitz

in memory of Richard J. Schmitz


Mrs. Christina Schoener


in memory of Patricia Reagan


Grace C. Schoener


in memory of Evelyn R. Cross


Mr. Gerald Schofield


in memory of Lorraine Schofield


Ruth A. Schrider


in memory of Sarah Jane Schrider


Barbara & Chris Scranton


in memory of Thomas & Harriet Bintliff

in memory of Harriet L. Bintliff


Henrietta Sedlack


in memory of Amelia McCrink


Colleen Serio


in memory of Carol M. Geoghan

in memory of Charles J. Geoghan


Severino Pasta Mfg Co., Inc.


in memory of Anna Maria Severino

in memory of Vittorio Finizio


The Shangle Family


in memory of Evalena Doskos

in memory of Stephen Doskos


Lynne and Alan Shapiro


in memory of Goldie & Israel Shapiro

in memory of Sig & Betty Ettinger


Barbara T Sharp


in memory of William D. Sharp, Jr.


Mary E. Shashaty


in memory of Anthony J. Shashaty


Adrian L. Shaw


in memory of Nancy R. Shaw


James T. Shepherd


in memory of Joan E. Shepherd


Carol Shorman


in memory of Edward Gower – Daddy


Barbara and Paul Showers


in memory of Jan Lynn Pine

in memory of Lenora (Aunt Lennie) Ogilvie


Stephanie Sierra


in memory of Denise Boyer-Fasel


Eileen Silvers


in memory of Robert E. Silvers, Sr.

in memory of Robert T. Silvers

in memory of John P. Silvers

in memory of Dane Fante


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simmons


in memory of Diana Simmons


Mrs. Linda Simon-Clauss


in memory of Elsie Simon


Sandy Simons


in memory of Anne Barron


Marianne Sims


in memory of William Sims


Mr. Peter Sisto


in memory of Philomena Sisto


Marylynn Skahan


in memory of John & Margaret Humphrey

in memory of Eleanor, Paulie & Joe Skahan


Lorana & Joe Slane


in memory of Joan Premaza


Jerry and Barbara Smith


in memory of Janine K. LeBlanc


Mr. Fred W. Smith, Jr.


in memory of Karen M. Smith


Joan M. Smith


in memory of Kenneth Smith

in memory of Clifford A. Tantum


Karen Smith


in memory of Lelia P. Smith

in memory of Betty Garwood

in memory of Robert D. Garwood

in memory of Elinor R. Fedder


Ms. Susan Smith


in memory of Doris Costill


Toni Allen Smith


in memory of David H. Allen

in memory of Edith O. Allen


Mrs. Virginia W. Smith


in memory of Stanley C. Smith

in memory of The Wells & Smith Families


The Smyth Family


in memory of Michael Berenato


Athena and Jerry Sokolowski


in memory of Angelo Angelatos


Mrs. Anita Sopenoff


in memory of Paul B. Sopenoff


Rosemary & Bob Stamm


in memory of Bernadette A. Lyng


Mrs. Dana Steiner


in memory of Judith Smith


Jackie Stern


in memory of Allen Stern


Ms. Gloria H. Stevenson


in memory of Rose Hilbert

in memory of Erwin Hilbert


Annette Stewart, Sheila Snyder & Kim Eresia


in memory of Lionel & Linda Eresia

in memory of Antoinette Eresia


Mrs. Glenna G. Stewart


in memory of George E. Stewart

in memory of Carolyn G. Kirmss


Ms. Marie Ann Stewart


in memory of Russell J. Stewart

in memory of Pedro S. Torres


Louise A Stotz


in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Nittinger

in memory of Mr. Carl E. Nittinger


Gerald J. Strekal Family


in memory of Gerald J. Strekal


“From His Family”


in memory of Robert Titus


Mrs. June A. Strothers


in memory of Marcellus D. Strothers


Mrs. Roberta Suloff


in memory of David Suloff


Sharon M. Szmaciasz


in memory of Frank & Dolores Szmaciasz


Bill & Sandy Tams


in memory of Bill, Nancy and Tim Burke

in memory of Tim Burke

in memory of James & Helen Tams


F. Thomas Tarrant


in memory of N. Jean Tarrant


Mr. Joseph Tasch & Family


in memory of Priscilla A. Tasch


Bernadette Taylor


in memory of Constance Hyde


Don and Pat Taylor


in memory of Greg “Topsy” Taylor

in memory of Gerald “Jerry” R. Simpkins


Judy J. Taylor


in memory of Joseph F. McKernan


Ms. Tina Taylor


in memory of Marie D’Elena


Diane Thacker


in memory of James E. Blakey, Sr.


Liz Thomas


in memory of Lamar Spewak

in memory of Dolores Spewak

in memory of Barbara Greene


Ellen Thomas


in memory of Michael D’Isa


James E. Thompson


in memory of Theresa L. Thompson


Lois Thompson & Family


in memory of Harry B. Thompson


Jamie & Ron Thoresz


in memory of Lucille Mastrich

in memory of James Mastrich


David H. Tobiasz


in memory of Joseph & Sophie Tobiasz

in memory of Henry Tobiasz

in memory of Christine Russo-Alesi


Mr. Steven Toll


in memory of Thomas L. Gunn


Ms. JoAnn Tomarchio


in memory of Alfred S. Tomarchio


Josephine Tomarchio


in memory of Alfred S. Tomarchio


Charlie, Lisa and Brian Tomasello


in memory of Rosemary Manzo


Joseph Tortorelli


in memory of Philip Petragnani

in memory of Silvio Mazzuca, Jr.


Edward W. Troncone


in memory of Josephine Troncone


Donna M. Truitt


in memory of Betty Jane Giammaruti


Virginia Tumolo


in memory of Joseph L. Abriola


Cynthia Upshaw


in memory of Hilda Harris


Marcia Vance


in memory of James C. Vance


Ms. Donna J. Vansciver


in memory of Gina Lynn O’Neill

in memory of Eleanor VanSciver


Mrs. Kathleen Vasinda


in memory of Robert Vasinda


Louis Venella


in memory of Betty Venella

in memory of Amy Venella


Barbara, Heather and Leah Vennell


in memory of Wayne C. Vennell


Francine & Ronald Viscome


in memory of Eleanor K. Intravartolo


Mrs. Alice M. Vogt


in memory of John C. Vogt

in memory of Gail A. Vogt

in memory of Robert R. Sponaugle


Barbara Volkert


in memory of Betsy Carney


Dolores Wachter


in memory of Arthur H. Wachter, Jr.


Joy D. Wadleigh


in memory of Goldie V. Wadleigh


Mrs. Jolene Wagner


in memory of Blair Wagner

in memory of Gloria Riskie


Doris Walden


in memory of Barbara A. Coleman


Mrs. Doris Walden


in memory of Herbert R. Walden


Stephen F. Walder


in memory of Stephen T. Walder

in memory of Regis K. Walder


Kelly Walker


in memory of Noreen Iannuzzi

in memory of Sandy Walker


The Walker Family


in memory of Ken Walker

in memory of Marilyn Sadusky


The Wallace Family


in memory of Mary Ann Cassano


Jeffrey Wallack


in memory of Armand A. Wallack


Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh


in memory of Elma B. Goliaszewski


Diane & Bill Ward


in memory of Evelyn Ward


Lynnan Ware


in memory of Ridge Ware


Washburn Family


in memory of Marion Heiser


Ms. Amy Wassmuth


in memory of Margaret Congdon


Mrs. Jacqueline M. Watson


in memory of David J. Watson

in memory of Frank & Sophie Cassidy

in memory of George J. DeNeve

in memory of George Hansel

in memory of Harry Watson

in memory of Rose I. Acerbo


Roger and Linda Watson


in memory of William and Florence Seavey

in memory of Sidney and Mary Watson


Elizabeth Weinreb


in memory of Derek Binge


The Weitzman Family


in memory of Marie Hoey

in memory of Rabbi Alan Weitzman


Cookie West & Sid Katz


in memory of Natalie West


Mrs. Dorothy L. West


in memory of Walter W. West, Jr.


Marian T. Westman, Esq.


in memory of Jean Westman

in memory of John Westman


Sandra Whipkey


in memory of Nancy Palais


Mrs. Heather White


in memory of Carolyn Giorno


Bette Whitehill


in memory of Walter Whitehill

in memory of Randi Henderson

in memory of Matthew Farrell


Jacqueline Whitfield


in memory of Doris and Lester LeCates


Meryl Wiesner


in memory of Gary Wiesner


John and Joanne Wiessner


in memory of Anna C Battaglia


Lauri Wilke


in memory of Janet K. Martz


Ms. Maria Wilkins


in memory of James Wilkins


Mrs. Lisa Wilson


in memory of Dolores A. LeCates


Dolores Wirth


in memory of Harvey & Edna Wirth


Ted Wisla & Family


in memory of Cecelia Wisla


Kathlene Witzig


in memory of Donald K. Witzig


Robert L. Wonderlin, Sr.


in memory of Loretta L. Wonderlin


Ms. Theresa Wozunk


in memory of Henrietta Wozunk

in memory of John Wozunk


Ms. Sarah Wressig


in memory of Robert W. Gunning


Loretta and Ed Wrobel


in memory of Elvira P. Albino

in memory of Antonio C. Albino


John and Elaine Wurtenberg


in memory of John Wurtenberg

in memory of Dorothy Wurtenberg


Karlee Wurtenburg


in memory of Michael Wurtenberg


Carroll and Joan Young


in memory of Patricia Young

in memory of Donald Geserick


Mrs. Elizabeth Young


in memory of Joseph Young

in memory of Jeffrey Joseph Young


Marlene Zaorski


in memory of John Zaorski


Irene W. Zatorski & Family


in memory of Richard E. Zatorski


Mark Zimmerman


in memory of Robert F. Zimmerman

in memory of Philip & Betty Warnke

in memory of Robert R. Zimmerman


Philip & Lucille Zitelli


in memory of Gerald L. Graichen

in memory of Walter Borowy

in memory of Kay Koch

in memory of Elvira Zitelli


Mike & Amy Zorn


in memory of Barbara Hunter


Questions about your listing?

Ellen Ingram


in memory of Ellen C. Veitenheimer


Fred and Lucille Irons


in memory of Delmar & Lucy Ruff

in memory of Lucy Ruff

in memory of Fred & Margaret Irons


Donna Irwin


in memory of Eric R. Mattia


Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffers


in memory of Matthew Biegun


Kathleen Jensen


in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Jensen

in memory of Sally Schirmer


Debra Johnson Lanholm


in memory of Wayne Johnson Lanholm


Ann and George Johnstone


in memory of Elizabeth & Alan Croak


Irma E. Jordan


in memory of Bobby R. Jordan


The Judge & Corcoran Families


in memory of Samuel F. Corcoran


Kim Kaiser


in memory of Marion Buccella


Patrick Keane


in memory of Joan Keane


Barbara & Children


in memory of Antoinette J. Divito


Marjorie L. Kelley


in memory of Gerald J. Kelley


Pat Kelly


in memory of Edward J. Bigum

in memory of Lorraine Bigum


Karen Kenney


in memory of Lillian Griffin


Bobbie Kenny


in memory of David Albro

in memory of Russell Schrenk


Judy & John Kerrigan


in memory of William J. Malkin, Jr.

in memory of Doris M. Malkin

in memory of William E. Malkin

in memory of Jon W. Malkin

in memory of Patricia Young


Maria and Joseph Ketterer & Family


in memory of Alfonso A. Docimo, Jr.


V. Kirschling & J. White


in memory of Lawrence Kirschling

in memory of Vera R. Kirschling

in memory of Jeanne Ryan

in memory of Joseph Smithhisler


The Kirvan Family


in memory of William H. Ortlip


Dr. Barbara A. Klobach


in memory of Dr. Derek N. Nunney

in memory of Mr. Rudi Klobach


Mr. Martin Knodle


in memory of Judith E Knodle


Karen J. Koch


in memory of Bud Koch

in memory of Dorothy Koch


Millie Kochie


in memory of John T. Kochie, Sr.


Bernadette Kohms


in memory of John Kohms


Laurie, Rob, Rachael, & Carly Kolmins


in memory of Alice Colman


Mr. Leonard Kowaleski


in memory of Judith Kowaleski


George M. Kozub


in memory of Mary Kozub


Catherine T. Krier


in memory of Kevin M. Krier

in memory of Frank Krier


Mrs. Dominica R. Kronberger


in memory of Joseph A. Kronberger


Paul LaBarge


in memory of Viola LaBarge

in memory of John F. LaBarge, Sr.


Robert E. LaBate


in memory of Vincent LaBate

in memory of Marguerite Jane LaBate

in memory of Rose Stern

in memory of Joseph Longo

in memory of Joe Scardone


Milton and Kathleen Laird


in memory of Mary P. Laird


Dr. Christine Lajkowicz


in memory of Regina Lajkowicz


Dr. Frank Lammerding


in memory of Ellen Lammerding


Marianna Latham


in memory of Bruno J. Catrambone


Doreen & Bill Lawrence


in memory of Bud Koch

in memory of Dorothy Koch


Jim & Karen Leason


in memory of Joseph A. Incudine


Michelle LeBlanc


in memory of Janine LeBlanc


Joan and Bobby Lee


in memory of Adolph C. D’Ippolito


Janice N. Leeds


in memory of Howard L. Thorne

in memory of Donald Williams


William J. Lehman


in memory of Charles A. Lehman

in memory of Phyllis K. Lehman


Michelle Leigh


in memory of Dorrie Helmus


Joanne and Gregory LeMay


in memory of Jacob Rose


Mrs. Jeannine B. Leonard


in memory of James L. Bullock, Jr.


Patricia A. Levins


in memory of Helen Levins

in memory of John R. Levins, Sr.


Mr. and Mrs. Stanton J. Levinson


in memory of Jackie A. Bernstein


Cynthia J. Lewandowski


in memory of Raymond G. Lewandowski


Jim & Marian Lewis


in memory of Bob & Pat Osborne

in memory of Charles & Marion Raylman

in memory of Charles & Katherine Lewis

in memory of Betty & Charles Pursley


David & Lori Litwin


in memory of Susan Litwin


Ms. Lisa A. Loeber


in memory of Noreen N. Iannuzzi

in memory of Sandra Walker


Jeanne L. Long


in loving memory of My Husband – John A. Long, Jr.


Laurelle Lowe


in memory of Betty Greiner

in memory of Margy Lowe


Tony and Jeanne Lubrano & Family


in memory of Alfreda “Mom Mom” Kelly


The Lucarini Family


in memory of Ernest Lucarini

in memory of Rose Sciarra


William E. Lucas


in memory of Sandra P. Lucas


Alfreda B Lynch


in memory of Rodman H. Lynch

in memory of Dorothy B. Miller


A.H. Mackey


in memory of William Mackey


Ralph and Eleanor Magee


in memory of Jean P. Holman

in memory of Loretta Taylor


Lee Ann Jagielski


in memory of John W. Jagielski


Douglas J. Magowan


in memory of John S. Magowan

in memory of Virginia M. Magowan


Tom and Maryann Mahan


in memory of Vito & Rosemary Fenocchi

in memory of Skeets and Toots Mahan


Ted and Debbie Malinoski


in memory of Richard W. Malinoski


Mrs. Stephanie Manfredi


in memory of Frank A. Manfredi


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Maniaci


in memory of C. Thomas Maniaci


Mrs. Mildred Mann


in memory of Jay T. Barry


The Manser Family


in memory of Walt Manser


Mrs. Luray Markgraf


in memory of Ronald Markgraf


Anna Marko


in memory of Leon Marko


Waneta Marple


in memory of Betty Ethraos

in memory of Chester Wilkolaski


Mr. and Mrs. John R. Marshall


in memory of Florence Taylor


Lucy Martelli


in memory of Dominic D. Martelli

in memory of Dolores T. Clune


Ida M. Martin


in memory of Richard G. Martin Sr.


Dave & Kitty Martin


in memory of George S. Treusch, Sr.

in memory of William J. Martin, Sr.


Dolores Martine & Family


in memory of Frank J. Martine


Kathryn and Patricia Mason


in memory of Agnes Mason


Peggy Mason


in memory of Anne Merritt


Lena Matozza


in memory of Angelina Palestina


Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mattson


in memory of James Logan, Jr.


Mr. Stephen Maurer


in memory of Rodney Sager, Sr.


Linda & Dominic Mauro


in memory of Mary Elizabeth Johnson


Susan and Tony Mavilla


in memory of Josephine Cardone


Nancy M. McAndrew


in memory of James P. McAndrew


Philip and Carol McCarty


in memory of Anthony & Rose Carina

in memory of Harry & Florence McCarty

in memory of Daniel Joseph McConnell

in memory of Julia Medico Lynam


Matthew McCormack’s Family


in memory of Matthew McCormack


Kathleen McCracken


in memory of James T. McCracken

in memory of McCracken Family

in memory of McManus Family


Elsie McCullough


in memory of Norma Signor


Lisa McDonald


in memory of Patsy Barneski

in memory of Barney & Kitty Barneski


Ellen McGarvey, Debra Davis, and Frank McGarvey


in memory of Grace McGarvey


Ellen McGarvey, Debra Davis, Frank McGarvey


in memory of Grace McGarvey


Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGinley


in memory of Grace Walter


Jane McGinley


in memory of Robert McGinley

in memory of Jedd Hopkins

in memory of John Sfarnas

in memory of Betty & Vince DiVincenzo

in memory of May Clarke

in memory of Pete & Josephine Matricardi

in memory of Alma Bozzo


Anne J. McGrath


in memory of Curt Baeringer

in memory of Josephine Baeringer


Kathleen McGurk


in memory of John Bakley

in memory of Serena Lambiase


Kathryn T. McLaney


in memory of Harry W. McLaney, Jr.


Debbie J. McLaughlin


in memory of Patricia Morrison

in memory of Charles Morrison


Ms. Joanne McNally


in memory of Anne Engelhardt


Mr. Raymond Medeiros


in memory of Myra Schiffmann


Medford Cedar Products, Inc


in memory of Jared Scheibner

in memory of Annette M. Giberson


Anaida & Annette


in memory of Jose “Cheo” Melendez

in memory of Emma Freeman


Theresa Merkel


in memory of John Dorofee

in memory of Peggy Dorofee

in memory of Lee Merkel


Merritt Family


in memory of Anne Merritt


Ms. Katherine L. Mervine


in memory of Brian T. Cruse


The Mikle Family


in memory of Nancy C. Mikle


Kent and Megan Miller


in memory of Eric M. Miller

in memory of Roberta M. Boehm


Nancy Miller


in memory of Eric M. Miller

in memory of Roberta M. Boehm


Lisa Minich


in memory of Douglas E. Minich


Rosalie Mittelman


in memory of Jack Mittelman


Mrs. John Mohl


in memory of Joan Asselin

in memory of Anthony Calvert & Parents

in memory of Kathy & Billy Mohl

in memory of Jennie, Pat & John Sullivan & Parents

in memory of Ed & Marie Jemiola & Parents

in memory of Betty & John Mohl & Parents

in memory of Madame Barnier

in memory of Omer & Seraphia Lascalles & Family

in memory of Baby Eddie Potts


The Monte Family


in memory of Mary Davison Monte

in memory of Michael Monte


Lawrence G. Moore


in memory of Violet Frances Moore


Cynthia A. Morelli


in memory of Vince Morelli

in memory of Linda A. Morelli

in memory of Candy Morelli

in memory of Lefty Morelli

in memory of All Cancer Victims

in memory of All Cancer Survivors


Paul J. Morris


in memory of Paul Morris

in memory of Mary Morris


Mr. and Mrs. F. Morrison


in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walter, Jr.

in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison


Ms. Kathleen M. Mullelly


in memory of Virginia Mullelly

in memory of William Mullelly


Mrs. Joann Munce


in memory of Richard Munce


Don and Fran Munera


in memory of Anita Santangelo


Frances A. Munyan


in memory of Richard C. Munyan Sr.

in memory of Raymond Baals Sr.


Joan Munyon


in memory of Wayne C. Munyon


John Murr


in memory of Joyce M. Murr


Elizabeth J. Murray


in memory of James J. Murray

in memory of Beatrice Higson


Dr. Marilyn Musumeci


in memory of Mary Louise Musumeci


Janice Muzekari


in memory of Frances Bardsley

in memory of James Bardsley, Jr.


Brian K. Myers


in memory of Marvin R. Oliver

in memory of Kyle Myers


Mrs. Marian Myers


in memory of Harry T. Myers


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nagle


in memory of Ralph & Dot Nagle

in memory of Zene Tedesco


Jean L. Nangle


in memory of Robert Nangle


Lawrence S. Navarra


in memory of Julia Navarra


Susan Nazak


in memory of John Nazak


Amelia Nelson-Gearhart


in memory of Deceased Muascucchini Family & Friends

in memory of Deceased Baselice Family & Friends


Suzanne R. Newman


in memory of Bruce Newman


Kathleen M Noon


in memory of Catherine and James Noon


Michael & Patricia Noon


in memory of James P. Noon


Ms. Teresa D. Norton


in memory of Janet E. Maglio


Dolly Nunnenkamp & Family


in memory of Jimmie D. Nunnenkamp, Sr.


Elsie Nyiri


in memory of Alex Nyiri


Dorothy Obst


in memory of Lester A. Obst


Raymond and Janice O’Hara


in memory of Susan Gilroy


Latricia O’Leary


in memory of Nancy O’Leary


Mrs. Diana V. Olivieri and Ms. Donna Lydon


in memory of Enrico Olivieri


Karen Olsen Goodwin


in memory of Norman C. Olsen


O’Malley Sisters


in memory of Margaret O’Malley

in memory of Mary Petkus


Bernadette, Dave & David O’Neill


in memory of Christopher C. Chiaro


Mrs. Carol R. Ortlip


in memory of William H. Ortlip


Mr. Robert W. Palughi


in memory of Mrs. Joreen Palughi


Dianne Papadinec


in memory of Ronald J. Papadinec


Jeff & Rosemarie Paquin


in memory of Alfred J. Paquin, Jr.


C.M. Parson


in memory of Kathleen Parson

in memory of Debra Blum


Mr. and Mrs. Pravin S. Patel


in memory of Avani Patel


Mrs. Roberta Patrick


in memory of Deborah Patrick


Judy & Maria Paul


in memory of Pia and Tony Paul


Ms. Jill Paulanski


in memory of Carol Jean Taggart


Mrs. Sonia M. Payne


in memory of Maria Mullens


Mr. Maurice Pendleton, Jr.


in memory of Michele V. Pendleton


Mrs. Carol Penney


in memory of Jennie Corsino


Susan E. Perkey


in memory of Elizabeth E. Walker

in memory of Ruth A. Reitmeier


Ms. Elizabeth Pildis


in memory of Emily Pildis


Jan Lynn Pine


in memory of Robert C. Travilla

in memory of Shirley M. Travilla

in memory of Gregg “Muggs” Travilla


Bob & Rita Plant


in memory of Nina Marie Plant


Pat Pollock


in memory of William T. Pollock

in memory of Bruce Whittick


Bob & Diane Polniak


in memory of Alma H. Renne


John A Powell


in memory of Margaret R. Powell


Mrs. Bessie S. Price


in memory of G. Sylvester Price

in memory of Beatrice Bloom


Russell A. Price Sr.


in memory of Dorothea Price


Giovina Principe


in memory of Paul C. Principe


Mrs. Janet Y. Pruden


in memory of Gregory T. Pruden


Dominic Pucci


in memory of Mary Pucci

in memory of Richard Pucci


Gigi Pustizzi


in memory of John J. Pustizzi


Robert J. Quigley


in memory of Eileen E. Quigley


Mr. William F. Quirk, Jr.


in memory of Ronald J. Rutkoski


Ms. Andrea G. Ragone


in memory of Audrea Ragone

in memory of Anthony Ragone


Maryann & Albert G. Rainson


in memory of Carl Raymond Johnson


Joseph Ratajczak and Katrina Mahan


in memory of Nancy Ratajczak


Peggy & Tony Ravoni


in memory of Nancy DeFrates


Roger Raymond


in memory of Julia Raymond


The Reamer Family


in memory of Eleanora Fries


Gina M. Rebilas


in memory of Leonard Rebilas


Remington & Vernick Engineers, Inc.


in memory of Carol M. Geoghan


Charlene Renne


in memory of Jean P. Holman

in memory of Sophia M. Vitello

in memory of Alma H. Renne


Mr. & Mrs. Jake Richards


in memory of Thomas Merryfield


Mrs. Helga Richter


in memory of Edwin Richter

in memory of Hans V. Schmidt


Jim & Joan Riddell


in memory of Frank V. Panzone, Jr.


Lynn M. Ries


in memory of Joan M. Wagner

in memory of John F. Wagner


Cathy Rife


in memory of Nellie Rife

in memory of Garnet Rife


Paulette H. Ritter


in memory of Lloyd E. Ritter


James and Linda Rivard


in memory of Mary Trimbo Rivard

in memory of Henry Lee


Thomas D. Rivera


in memory of Herlinde Rivera


Ms. Hannah Rivers


in memory of Mary Lou Rivers


Mrs. M. Linda Roach


in memory of M. Linda Roach


Betty L. Robbins


in memory of Donald G. Robbins


Mr. Ross C. Robbins


in memory of Shelley R. Robbins

in memory of Jean E. Britton


Catherine and Charles Roberts


in memory of Charles Jared Scheibner


Aida S. Rocco


in memory of Gloria Dempsey


Mr. & Mrs. Clinton & Lisa Rockhill & Family


in memory of Michael D. Bisceglie, Sr.

in memory of Clinton C. Rockhill, Sr.

in memory of John Eleuteri


Mrs. Dorothy J. Rockhill


in memory of Alfred Bogie, Jr.

in memory of Dorothy Bogie


Miss Maria D. Rodriguez-Badillo


in memory of Ernesto Badillo


The Rommel Family


in memory of Aaron L. Rommel


Mrs. Naomi Rose


in memory of Jacob Rose


Pat Roselli


in memory of Joan E. Roselli


Joanne H. Rosen


in memory of Patricia Deveney


Carolyn Rozycki


in memory of My Stanley


Cassidy Rozycki


in memory of My Daddy


Diana Russell


in memory of Howard Umansky


Kim Russo


in memory of Maryann Terragrossa


Rose Russo


in memory of Eleanor Russo


Josephine Ryan & Family


in memory of Jacqueline Ryan O’Donnell


Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sabatino, Jr.


in memory of Rose Saturday


Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sage


in memory of Raymond G. Pestridge


Amelia Santroni


in memory of Rita Simoni


Daniel E. Scarangelli


in memory of Veronica F. Scarangelli


Ms. Margaret Schad


in memory of Edward S. Cahill


Frank & Janet Schafhauser


in memory of Dot & Bill Russell

in memory of Doris & Clarence Wardell


Gertrud Schewe


in memory of Kathleen Burke


Ginny Schimpf


in memory of Richard F. Schimpf


Josephine Schlupp


in memory of Lawrence G. Schlupp


Mr. Harry Schmidt


in memory of Ruth E. Schmidt


Missy Schmidt


in memory of Edythe Schmidt

in memory of Roy F. Schmidt


Anthonia & Richard Schmidt


in memory of Thomas & Marie-Therese Cosgrove

in memory of Edith Schmidt


Grace C. Schoener


in memory of Evelyn R. Cross


Mr. Chris Schrider and Ms. Ruth A. Schrider


in memory of Sarah Jane Schrider

in memory of Philip Schrider


The Seagreaves Family


in memory of Thomas H. Seagreaves


Henrietta Sedlack


in memory of Amelia “Millie” McCrink


Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Sereduk


in memory of Hipolita Toro


Colleen M. Serio


in memory of Carol & Charles Geoghan


Kathleen Shakespeare


in memory of Charles Shakespeare


Evelyn E. Shangle


in memory of Evalena Doskos

in memory of Stephen Doskos


Lynne and Alan Shapiro


in memory of Sig & Betty Ettinger

in memory of Goldie & Israel Shapiro


Barbara T Sharp


in memory of William D. Sharp, Jr.


Mary E. Shashaty


in memory of Anthony J. Shashaty


Adrian L. Shaw


in memory of Nancy R. Shaw


Claire Sheehan


in memory of Patricia A. McDonald


Flora Shelly


in memory of Lillian M. Schlegel


James T. Shepherd


in memory of Joan E. Shepherd


Valerie (Scott) Siegel


in memory of Gloria Mae Scott

in memory of Ervin Scott


Carl & Faye Sienkiewicz


in memory of Steven C. Sienkiewicz


Stephanie Sierra


in memory of Denis Boyer Fasel


Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Signoretta


in memory of Ida Signoretta


Eileen Silvers & Family


in memory of Robert E. Silvers

in memory of Robert T. Silvers

in memory of John P. Silvers


Sandy Simons


in memory of Anne Barron


Ms. Roxanne Simpson


in memory of Domenico Marchiano, Sr.


Ms. Marianne Sims Kellogg


in memory of William Sims


Marylynn Skahan


in memory of John & Margaret Humphrey

in memory of Eleanor A Skahan

in memory of Paul Skahan


Jerry and Barbara Smith


in memory of Janine K. LeBlanc


Fred and Karen Smith


in memory of Karen M. Smith


Mrs. Joan M. Smith


in memory of G. Kenneth Smith

in memory of Clifford A. Tantum


Karen Smith


in memory of Lelia P. Smith

in memory of Betty Garwood

in memory of Robert D. Garwood

in memory of Elinor R. Fedder


Mrs. Virginia W. Smith


in memory of Stanley C. Smith

in memory of The Wells & Smith Families


Evelyn Snyder


in memory of E Marie Snyder


Athena and Jerry Sokolowski


in memory of Angelo Angelatos


Joan F Sparks


in memory of Glenn M. Sparks


Mary A. Sparks


in memory of Mary Catherine Sparks


Christine Ryan Spengler


in memory of Jacqueline Ryan O’Donnell


Kris & Larry Sposi


in memory of Emma Wilkens

in memory of Karl C. Wilkens


Florence Staib


in memory of Russell L. Staib


Rosemary & Bob Stamm


in memory of Bernadette A. Lyng


Jacqueline Stern


in memory of Allen Stern


Anna M. Stewart


in memory of Esperanza G. Mendoza


Annette Stewart, Sheila Snyder & Kim Eresia


in memory of Antoinette Eresia

in memory of Lionel & Linda Eresia


Mrs. Glenna G. Stewart


in memory of George E. Stewart

in memory of Carolyn G. Kirmss


Louise Stotz


in memory of Dorothy E. Nittinger

in memory of Leon E. Nittinger


Albert C. Stover


in memory of Susan M. Colucci

in memory of Miriam E. Isaacs


Nancy Stubbs


in memory of Charles J. Stubbs

in memory of Otto Schoenborn


Linda Sykes


in memory of Elizabeth J. Giglio


Sharon M. Szmaciasz


in memory of Frank & Dolores Szmaciasz


Bill & Sandy Tams


in memory of Bill & Nancy Burke and Tim Burke

in memory of Jim & Helen Tams


Mr. Joseph Tasch & Family


in memory of Priscilla A. Tasch


Lisa M. Tate


in memory of Ralph F. Tate

in memory of Marilyn J. Tate


Don and Pat Taylor


in memory of Greg “Topsy” Taylor

in memory of Jerry Simpkins


Judy J. Taylor


in memory of Joseph F. McKernan


Diane Thacker


in memory of James E. Blakey, Sr.


Ellen Thomas


in memory of Michael D’Isa


The Thompson Family


in memory of Theresa L. Thompson


Mae Thompson


in memory of Charles L. Thompson

in memory of Sharon Lynn Soleberry


Jamie & Ron Thoresz


in memory of Lucille Mastrich

in memory of James Mastrich


Lynne and Michael Tierce


in memory of Joanne Falkenstein


David H. Tobiasz


in memory of Joseph & Sophie Tobiasz

in memory of Henry J. Tobiasz


Charlie, Lisa and Brian Tomasello


in memory of Rosemary T. Manzo


Sarah H. Tomko


in memory of Sarah H. Tomko

in memory of Catherine E. McLoughlin


Joseph A. Tortorelli


in memory of Silvio Mazzuca

in memory of Philip J. Petragnani

in memory of Rose Tortorelli


Mrs. Barbara A. Trauger


in memory of George W. Trauger

in memory of Joyce Sciamanna


Peter C. Trentacoste


in memory of Claire Trentacoste


Edward W. Troncone


in memory of Josephine Tronecone


Donna M. Truitt


in memory of Betty Jane Giammaruti


Mrs. Cynthia G. Upshaw


in memory of Hilda Harris


Jane Urbano


in memory of Peter Urbano


Mr. Franklin Valenti


in memory of Kerri Valenti


Mrs. Kuni M. Van Horn


in memory of Charles W. Van Horn


Margaret and Larry Van Meter


in memory of Mary Ellen VanDeWater


Donna J. Van Sciver


in memory of Gina Lynn O’Neill

in memory of Eleanor Van Sciver


Melissa Vance


in memory of James C. Vance

in memory of Jeffry Sasko


Marcy Varrenti


in memory of Yolanda Severin


Lou Venella


in memory of Alice (Betty) Venella

in memory of Amy (Lea) Venella


Barbara, Heather and Leah Vennell


in memory of Wayne C. Vennell


Mae O. Victor


in memory of Ida Mae Harris

in memory of Walter Allen Victor, Sr.


Francine & Ronald Viscome


in memory of Eleanor K. Intravartolo

in memory of Frank Intravartolo


Evelyn Viskovich Ricci


in memory of Evelyn A. Viskovich


Mrs. Alice M. Vogt


in memory of John C. Vogt

in memory of Gail A. Vogt

in memory of Robert R. Sponaugle


Dolores Wachter


in memory of Arthur H. Wachter


Stephen F. Walder


in memory of Stephen T. Walder


Diann Wallace


in memory of Mary Ann Cassano

in memory of Angelo Perna


Nancy Wallach


in memory of Arlene Berntsen


Jeffrey Wallack


in memory of Armand A. Wallack


Diane & Bill Ward


in memory of Evelyn M. Ward


Lynnan B. Ware


in memory of Ridge Ware


The Washburn Family


in memory of Marion P. Heiser


Mrs. Jacqueline M. Watson


in memory of George Hansel

in memory of Mrs. Sophie V. Cassidy

in memory of Frank N. Casey

in memory of Deceased Loved Ones

in memory of David Watson

in memory of George J. DeNeve


Roger and Linda Watson


in memory of Sidney and Mary Watson


The Webb Family


in memory of Vera Hammell


Ms. Shelly L. Webb


in memory of Blanche Allen


Trevor Weir


in memory of Mabel Codner


Irene Weiss


in memory of Thomas J. Weiss


Lee Welsher


in memory of Douglas E. Welsher

in memory of Mr. John Algado


Cookie West & Sid Katz


in memory of Natalie West


Marian T. Westman, Esq.


in memory of Jean Westman

in memory of John Westman


Patricia Wheeler


in memory of Gary Wheeler


Frank A. White, III


in memory of Frank A. White, Jr.


Bette Whitehill


in memory of Walter M. Whitehill

in memory of Randi J. Henderson

in memory of Matthew Farrell


J. L. Whitfield


in memory of Doris and Lester LeCates


Lynn C. Whitney


in memory of Paul Whitney

in memory of Roger M. Dill


Michelle Wiley


in memory of Robert D. Wiley


The Willard-Moore Family


in memory of Edwin L. Willard

in memory of Carolann Willard


Barbara R. Williams


in memory of Robert C. Williams


Jayne Wilpert


in memory of Mary L. Rock


Mrs. Barbara R. Wilson


in memory of Donald Wilson


Mrs. Lisa Wilson


in memory of Dolores A. LeCates


Dolores Wirth


in memory of Harvey & Edna Wirth

in memory of Patricia Angstadt


Ted Wisla & Family


in memory of Cecelia Wisla




in memory of Claire Wolf

in memory of Arthur Wolf


Judith H. Wright


in memory of Richard S. Wright


Carol K. Wynocker


in memory of Donald H. Wynocker


Elizabeth D. Young


in memory of Joseph Young

in memory of Jeffrey Joseph Young


Irene W. Zatorski


in memory of Richard E. Zatorski


Philip & Lucille Zitelli


in memory of Gerald L. Graichen

in memory of Walter Borowy

in memory of Elvira Zitelli

in memory of Kay Koch


Mike & Amy Zorn


in memory of Barbara Hunter


Mr. Robert V. Zucchi, Sr.


in memory of Brenda C. Zucchi