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Blog: Stories and Insight

Heart Failure Question & Answer

Dr. Joshua Crasner
Dr. Joshua Crasner

February is National Heart Month
A Time to Focus on Your Cardiovascular Health

Read what Joshua M. Crasner, DO, a board-certified cardiologist with Virtua Health, has to say about heart failure and Samaritan’s Advanced Cardiac Program.

Q: What is one thing everyone should understand about heart failure?

A: Once a person is diagnosed with heart failure, they will need the resources to manage this condition for the rest of their life. It is still very possible to live a long time with quality, comprehensive care.

Q: How can someone living with heart failure benefit from this program?

A: With Samaritan healthcare providers ensuring that all of their care is coordinated, people can stay at home where they are most comfortable and avoid frequent emergency room visits and costly hospital stays.


Cardiac Patient and Caregiver Handbook – Available now!

Get your complimentary cardiac caregiver handbook today! Email Your Request Now.

Also available in Spanish. Cuidador cardíaco de cortesía ahora disponible en español.

The guide reviews heart failure, symptom management, diet, medication, and self-care tips.


Q: If a person living with heart failure already sees a primary care doctor and/or cardiologist, why would they benefit from having a Samaritan physician as part of their care team?

A: Samaritan’s healthcare providers specialize in symptom and pain management. They can offer an added layer of support to help improve their quality of life, helping them live their best life every day. Also, they can help them identify and document their goals of care, which empowers them and gives them a say in care.

Q: What does Samaritan offer that makes them different?

A: Samaritan provides holistic care that addresses spiritual and emotional needs as well as physical. Care is provided by a team of doctors, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, home health aides, spiritual support counselors, and volunteers.

Q: With so many healthcare providers in the area focusing on heart care, why choose Samaritan for heart failure?

A: Samaritan is the only healthcare provider in New Jersey partnered with the AHA and NPHI. Also, Samaritan has been recognized by Strategic Healthcare Programs for achieving an overall caregiver and family satisfaction score that ranked in the top 20% of all participating healthcare organizations. Finally, The Joint Commission recently re-accredited the organization. This demonstrates that Samaritan provides quality, compassionate care to patients and their families.