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What is Hospice Care? Hospice Treatment Goals and Benefits

Caregiver holding hand of senior woman

Patients choose hospice when they prefer to stop treatments and instead decide to live through the end of their life at home surrounded by loved ones, rather than in the hospital. While many hospice patients and their families regret not starting care sooner, there are many misconceptions about the goals and benefits of hospice care.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is a form of healthcare that focuses on enhancing the quality of life for seriously ill patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. A compassionate team of experts provides comfort, support, and dignity to patients by helping manage their symptoms, including physical, emotional, and spiritual issues and concerns.

Hospice care does not replace the patients’ doctor. In fact, the hospice team will work directly with the primary care physician. Hospice also provides support to the patient’s family, helping them deal with grief, as well as assisting in making decisions regarding the patient’s care.

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What are the Goals of Hospice Care?

The primary goal of hospice care is to provide comfort and support to individuals with a terminal illness, enabling them to live as fully and comfortably as possible until the end of their life. Hospice treatment focuses on symptom management and pain control to achieve comfort. Other goals of hospice care include:

  • Caring for the whole person, not just the disease.
  • Addressing your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.
  • Focusing on you and your family by providing the level of care you want and deserve.
  • Providing the best possible quality of life, helping you to make the most of the time that remains.

What are the Benefits of Hospice Care?

1. Patient comfort and support

Hospice provides expert care from a team of trained professionals focused on enhancing the patient’s quality of life based on their wishes. Patients and families have peace of mind with an on-call staff available 24 hours a day.

2. Support for families

Hospice treatment not only assists patients but also educates and supports their caregivers, helping them manage the challenges and stress of caregiving. Caregivers are provided with hands-on training and easy to understand care tips. Additionally, a Samaritan nurse is available 24/7 to answer questions.

3. Peaceful environment

Hospice care can be provided in a familiar and comfortable setting, as opposed to a hospital, allowing for more quality time with family and loved ones. Hospice treatment can be provided wherever you live – at home, in an assisted living facility, or a nursing home. Essential equipment will be conveniently delivered to you. For those who require 24/7 symptom management, Samaritan also provides care at our two dedicated facilities in South Jersey.

4. Pain management

Regular visits from Samaritan nurses and hospice aides ensure effective pain and symptom management, reducing emergency hospital visits. Hospice medications are provided for the patient. To coordinate your care our team maintains ongoing communication with your existing physician and/or specialist.

5. Less medical costs

When in hospice care, out-of-pocket expenses are notably less. Hospice services are usually covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, or VA.

6. Restored sense of control

Patient-centered hospice care empowers individuals to regain a sense of relief and control over their end-of-life journey.

7. Caring for your family

Bereavement counseling is available for those who request it after the loss of a loved one.

8. Improved quality of life

Hospice patients spend less time going to doctors appointments and receiving unnecessary treatments, instead focusing on making the most of the time they have left.

When to Start Hospice Care

Doctor talking to female patient

During the end-of-life journey, it is essential for patients and their families to embrace each moment. Choosing hospice treatment sooner than later helps. In fact, it is a decision families say they often wish they made sooner, because of all the benefits hospice treatment offers in terms of improving quality of life for everyone involved.

Read more: When hospice care is appropriate?

What is a Hospice Evaluation?

The hospice evaluation process helps families to understand the benefits of hospice treatment, as well as assess whether the patient is a good candidate for hospice care.

During the evaluation, a hospice admission nurse will ask for information about your loved one’s diagnosis, symptoms or discomfort, medications, and a brief health history. They will ask about other physicians and specialists. They will also explain hospice care, the goals of these services, and answer any of your questions.

How to Find Hospice Near You

Start by learning what to look for in a hospice program. Consumer Reports recommends choosing a hospice with a not-for-profit status, more than 20 years’ experience serving the community, hospice-certified staff on-call 24/7, and the availability of inpatient care.

Next, consider asking your loved one’s doctor, as well as asking friends and family members for any recommendations.

If you are in South Jersey or the surrounding areas, you can also contact Samaritan now for a free in-home hospice evaluation. We were the first and are still the largest hospice provider in South Jersey.

Hospice experts are available 24/7 to answer your questions at no charge. Call Samaritan today: (856) 596-1600

Here for You and Those You Love

Samaritan is here for you and those you love. We provide hospice treatment in South Jersey for the patient and also offer education, advice, and grief support for loved ones.

Samaritan’s hospice care program provides you peace of mind knowing that not only will you be cared for with dignity through the end of life, but your loved one will also have access to the support they need through your care and after. We are here to help you have good days with those you love through the final months of life. Your Samaritan team of expert caregivers bring their warmth and love into your home to provide personalized hospice care that is right for you.

Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the hospice movement, said, “You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”

More Information & Resources on Hospice Care in South NJ