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Clinical Professional & Students

Thank you for your interest in a clinical rotation experience at Samaritan!

The Samaritan Mary Ann Boccolini Institute for Education, Research and Innovation is committed to being at the forefront of training the next generation of healthcare practitioners in serious illness and end-of-life care. We offer clinical rotations and internships in our specially designed program that includes an interdisciplinary team of dedicated experts. Professionals and student nurses will obtain person-centered care experience from experts who are essential to Samaritan’s longstanding reputation in the community.   

Thousands of patients and their families have experienced our comfort, support, and dignity through a wide range of programs and services. Samaritan’s philosophy of care is to approach each person and family in our care with reverence for the sacredness of life, while developing and sustaining a relationship that is serving, trusting, authentic and caring. Our vision for you during your clinical rotation is to have a first-hand experience with this philosophy.   

If you are interested in applying for the clinical rotation program at Samaritan, please fill out the form below and someone will contact you shortly. 

The Boccolini Institute Clinical Rotations  

Hospice and Palliative Care Clinical Rotations can vary from a one-day observational experience to a multi-month rotation, based on a student’s individual needs. The Boccolini Institute will work with you or your academic institution to determine what type of experience will best suit your needs. Select a program below for additional details.



Please click to fill out Samaritan’s clinical rotation application interest form:

Boccolini Institute Clinical Rotation Interest